Mild prespotting and pre-brushing agent for dry cleaning in PERC and KWL
24 months, storage in closed containers in dry place. Protect from sunlight. Approx. temp. +5 – +40°С (41 – 104°F).
Using only UNDILUTED!
Spray or brush undiluted agent onto extremely dirty areas (sleeves, hems, collar, underarms, pockets) and allow maintain approx. 10 minutes before treatment in cleaning machine (PERC or KWL).
With non-water-resistant dyes which may occur on silk, flax, viscose, acetate and cotton, there is a risk of localized colour changes or colour loss during pre-brushing. Decoloration process has to be tested with a white cotton cloth, soaked with the pre-brushing agent. In case of that the cotton was coloured after carefully rubbing the garment, do not prebrush.
For Cyclosiloxane D5 solvent use PLEX PreCleaner Sil.
Look after quality of solvent and distillation process. Change copper parts with water circulation in time. Use PLEX agents in full in order to maintain appropriate solvent pH-level, low foam formation, corrosion inhibition and to prevent biological contamination.
Suitable for any types of linen and garments