Stiro Safe

Special agents for preventing transferring of dyes and decontamination of pigment soils


  • Prevents or reduces transfer of dyes during wash processes.
  • Suitable for use as a dye stabilizing additive for washing processes for delicate items, carpets.
  • In some cases, makes it possible fully to restore garments of dyes.


  • Water;
  • Special polymers.


12 months, storage in closed containers in dry place. Protect from sunlight. Approx. temp. +5 – +40°С (41 – 104°F).


IT IS IMPORTANT! In case of unfixed dyes PLEX Stiro Safe agents use in each rinsing stage!

  • Preventing dyes transferring in laundry and wet cleaning: 20,0-30,0 ml per 1 kg calc. capacity, temp. according to washing program. Added simultaneously with detergents in mainwash;
  • Preventing dyes transferring in prebrushing procedure: 10,0-30,0 ml per 1 litre washing liquor for prebrushing, temp. 30°С. Use with PLEX Lavaclean/Tiffany;
  • Removing dyes transferring spots in bath (immediately after laundry or wet cleaning procedure): 40-100 ml per 10 litre water, temp. 30 °С. Immediately soaking (1-4 hours) in bath. Rinsing in washer-extractor;
  • Removing old dyes transferring spots in bath (from customers, after household laundry, after long contact with air, humidity, sunlight and etc.): undiluted on spot, soaking in liquor (1 part PLEX Stiro Safe agent per 2-3 parts of water, temp. 30-40°С (according to allowed temperature for current garment), Silk – 25°С . Immediately soaking (1-4 hours) in bath. Mechanical brushing with PLEX Antispot 2 and/or 3 is recommended. Rinsing in washer-extractor.

* Suitable for using in carpet cleaning.



Suitable for any types of linen and garments


Removing dyes after transferring could be impossible:

  • After long exposure without cleaning and/or with long contact with air or sunlight;
  • Fixing dyes by acidic chemicals;
  • Wrong technological procedures.